The unique pump innovation from Oertli. The SPEEP pump uses the same principle as a peristaltic pump 1 to control the flow. With SPEEP the vacuum can also be controlled using the foot pedal. This enables precise control of the holdability generated right at the instrument opening.

Eagle on the water

Advantages of the SPEEP pump

  • Unique SPEEP pump – for manual control of the holdability regardless of the tissue type *
  • Pump responds immediately and directly – facilitating precise and fine manoeuvres right at the tissue *
  • Independent control of flow and vacuum – developed for safe work with maximum control *

How does the SPEEP pump work?

SPEEP combines the advantages of a flow-controlled peristaltic pump with the sportiness of a vacuum-controlled venturi pump. The SPEEP pump allows both the flow and the vacuum to be controlled independently of each other. The foot pedal not only allows aspiration and release but also gives the surgeon complete control when holding and manipulating fragments and tissue. SPEEP continues to control the vacuum even under occlusion *.

What are the benefits of the SPEEP pump?

With challenging cases such as floppy iris syndrome or zonular weakness, precise control of the fluidics is essential. Thanks to the independent settings for flow and vacuum, SPEEP generates dosable holdability at the instrument opening and gives the surgeon control *.

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