EASYPHACO® TECHNOLOGY in phaco surgery

The easyPhaco technology was developed for safe and efficient phacoemulsification. The high vacuum setting and the wide infusion path of the easyTips create a direct flow to the tip. This results in a magnet-like attraction of the fragments *. The angled easyTip opening has been designed to hold fragments firmly at the tip *. Thanks to the strong holdability and the longitudinal movements of the easyTips, ultrasound is directed axially to the occluded fragments. Following an occlusion break, the capillary aspiration path of the easyTips provides continuous aspiration. Thanks to the high vacuum created, the fragments are efficiently aspirated *. The infusion capacity is several times higher than the aspiration, enabling the intraocular pressure to be maintained for a stable anterior chamber 1.

easyPhaco handpiece

Phaco Handpiece
VG800011 easyPhaco handpiece, reusable


Titanium easyTips

Titanium easyTip disposable

VV806833A Phaco tip easyTip CO-MICS, 30°, for incisions of 1.6-1.8 mm
VV806833 Phaco tip easyTip CO-MICS, 53°, for incisions of 1.6-1.8 mm
VV806835B Phaco tip easyTip 2.2 mm, 15°, for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm
VV806835A Phaco tip easyTip 2.2 mm, 30°, for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm
VV806835 Phaco tip easyTip 2.2 mm, 40°, for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm
VV806840 Phaco tip easyTip 2.8 mm, 30°, for incisions of 2.8-3.2 mm

easyTip disposable: Box of 10 with irrigation sleeve, test chamber, phaco key and emergency key.

Titanium easyTip reusable

VV800831 Phaco tip easyTip CO-MICS, 30°, for incisions of 1.6-1.8 mm
VV800833 Phaco tip easyTip CO-MICS, 53°, for incisions of 1.6-1.8 mm
VV603231 Irrigation sleeve for incisions of 1.6-1.8 mm, silicone, grey
VV800735B Phaco tip easyTip 2.2 mm, 15°, for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm
VV800735A Phaco tip easyTip 2.2 mm, 30°, for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm
VV800735 Phaco tip easyTip 2.2 mm, 40°, for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm
VV603220 Irrigation sleeve for incisions of 2.2-2.4 mm, silicone, transparent
VV800740 Phaco tip easyTip 2.8 mm, 30°, for incisions of 2.8-3.2 mm
VV603209 Irrigation sleeve for incisions of 2.8-3.2 mm, silicone, blue

Discover the whole range now

To the Produktfinder

Advantages of easyPhaco®

  • easyPhaco technology, developed for safe and efficient emulsification
  • Fragment followability and holdability thanks to the Oertli fluidics concept *
  • U/S energy absorbed by the occluded fragments
  • Smooth fragment aspiration without clogging *
  • Stable anterior chamber 1
  • Available from 1.6 mm to 3.2 mm incisions
easyPhaco in application

Recommended settings for easyPhaco

The Oertli easyPhaco technology is available in three different tip sizes. Incisions of sub–2-mm coaxial micro-phaco up to standard incision sizes of up to 3.2 mm can be used with easyPhaco.

Minimum   Venturi pump   Peristaltic pump / SPEEP pump  
    Vacuum (mmHg) Vacuum effect (%) Flow (ml/min) Vacuum (mmHg)
easyTip CO-MICS
for incisions of 1.6-1.8 mm
Phaco 1 (Grooving)
Phaco 2
easyTip 2.2 mm
for incisions of  2.2-2.4 mm
Phaco 1 (Grooving)
Phaco 2
easyTip 2.8 mm
for incisions of 2.8-3.2 mm
Phaco 1 (Grooving)
Phaco 2

--> Recommended bottle height: 100 cm above the patient eye
--> Recommended additional settings: Pulse mode, 40 Hz, 60% cooling for Phaco 2.

easyPhaco is a development from Oertli R&D in scientific collaboration with Professor Rupert Menapace, Vienna.

Please contact your sales partner to determine your optimal easyPhaco values.

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