Preliminary course programme 27th WinterAcademy

Since 27 years, Oertli supports the WinterAcademy, which is organized by MTS – the wetlab company. The practical and instructive academy takes place from 22nd – 27th March 2020 for the first time in Bregenz (Austria).

The main education topics are based on phacoemulsification (basic and advanced), easyPhaco® technology with sub 2mm CO-MICS and parsplana vitrectomy.

Under the long-term instruction of Dr. John Bolger (phaco) and Doz. Dr. Ulrike Stolba (vitrectomy) and the entire experienced faculty, ophthalmologists of all stages of life can gain a lot of valuable experience. Daily hands-on in the wetlab and exciting exchanges among the participants are guaranteed.

Thanks to the proximity of Bregenz to our location in Berneck, this year the Oertli evening will take place in our headquarter. During the personal company tour, the participants gain a deep insight into research & development, look over the shoulders of our staff during work in the instruments and device manufacturing and get to know the new production facilities.

Please find more details in the preliminary course program of the WinterAcademy.
